Terms searched: Asia
Results: 131
6 Dec 2024
ADB launches food and water security programme in Central Asia with GCF support
On the 4th of November, at COP 29 in Azerbaijan, the Asian Development Bank, with the support of the Green Climate Fund, launched a new regional programme to promote water and food security in Central Asia, the South Caucasus and Pakistan. The programme, titled Glaciers to Farms, seeks to protect water security and livelihoods in the context of accelerated glacial melt due to climate change...
10 Jan 2024
East Asia and Pacific Region on track to meet 2030 WASH targets
On the 8th of January, UNICEF released an update on access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in the East Asia and Pacific region. The data indicates that at the current rate of progress, by 2030, the East Asia and Pacific region will achieve near universal access to at least basic drinking water and sanitation services...
9 Dec 2022
Water Diplomacy in Central Asia
"The primary success of Uzbekistan's external policy represents a cardinal reform in the Central Asian region - namely, the development of good-neighbourly relations with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan." H.E. Sh.M.Mirziyoev, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan The experience of farming, crop irrigation, and construction of ground and surface irrigation structures has been formed and mastered for thousands of years throughout the Central Asian region...
31 Oct 2022
Interview: Karishma Asoodani, Youth Delegate for Asia, World Water Council
The Water Diplomat caught up with Karishma Asoodani, Youth Delegate for Asia at the World Water Council, in the margins of Cairo Water Week, to look at youth issues in the run up to the UN Water Conference in New York in March 2023. Tobias Schmitz: please tell us what you do currently Karishma Asoodani: So my name is Karishma, I am a Youth Delegate for the World Water Council for Asia, I joined them in 2018, and because of the pandemic my mandate kind of extended until this December: I will finish my term as a youth delegate with them in December and I am also a young representative in the Water Youth Network, in which I have an interest in youth communications and mobilisation, but I also have an interest in water finance: I am a financial journalist in India with six years of experience...
1 Aug 2022 SHANGHAI, China
NDB Approves $875 Million USD For Water, Sanitation And Transport
$600 Million USD for water connection and sewage projects, mostly in the city of Sao Paulo.
28 Jul 2022 DELHI, India
Dangerous Levels Of Toxic Chemical Found In Indian Drinking Water
Levels of Nonylphenol ranging from 29.1 parts per billion (ppb) to 80.5 ppb were found in 15 samples taken across the country. A safe level is considered to be 0.33 ppb.
28 Jul 2022 AMMAN, Jordan
Tensions Rise Between Israelis And Palestinians Over Water
Tensions between Palestinians and Israelis are rising and protests have been held against water shortages in the month of July.
28 Jul 2022 BEIJING, China
China Gradually Adapting To Climate Change
Exceptionally heavy rainfall in May and June has been succeeded by exceptionally high temperatures in July. New policy documents emphasize monitoring climate risks in key productive sectors.
28 Jul 2022 SANA'A, Yemen
Pressing Water And Food Needs In Yemen
Multiple and mutually reinforcing humanitarian emergencies are extant: the conflict is inflicting civilian casualties and causing internal displacements, while the devaluation of the rial and the rise in global food prices have exacerbated food insecurity.
5 Jul 2022 DUSHANBE, Tajikistan
Dushanbe Declaration Sets The Course For New York
The Dushanbe Declaration emphasises the relationships between water, climate change, and disaster risk reduction, mentioning water in the context of national adaptation plans and climate finance.
3 Jul 2022 SEOUL, South Korea
South Korea Requests Prior Notification Of Dam Releases
Unexpected water release from North Korea's Hwanggang dam aggravates high water in Imjin River in South Korea.
3 Jul 2022 GUWAHATI, India
Floods in Asia Affect Millions
Intense monsoon rains affect north-eastern India and Bangladesh; 1.8 million people in India and 4 million people in Bangladesh displaced.