New $150 Million USD Water Infrastructure Investment For Kenya Towns
Distribution, Sewerage, And Power To Benefit
5 Apr 2022 by The Water Diplomat
The government of Kenya has partnered with the government of Denmark to fund a $150 Million USD program to upgrade the water and sewage systems in the towns of Thika and Githunguri affecting more than 300,000 people.
In the busy industrial town of Thika alone, the project is expected to bring potable water to 250,000 citizens and sewage to 331,000.
The project aims to increase water distribution capacity, build new sewage treatment plants and implement biogas production systems from wastewater.
Lea Wermelin, the Danish Environment Minister, said about the program: “We hope it will not only provide water and improve the sewerage system but also produce [power] biogas which can be used as [biogas] power and help in climate management.”
The region currently depends on a 50 year old system which has never been updated despite the town’s rapid and projected population growth.
Thika Water Service Provider (Thiwasco) Managing Director Moses Kinya said the project will alleviate water and sewerage needs in the area for the next 20 years.
Local residents have been protesting against perennial water shortages and continued water rationing measures.
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