Terms searched: Nairobi
Results: 9
10 Mar 2023
Decentralised sanitation system can reduce pollution in Nairobi says UN-Habitat official
Effective management of sanitation and wastewater will lessen the pollution load on local water resources in Nairobi and other urban areas of Kenya. The growing challenge in dense urban settlements, the rapidly increasing urbanisation rate of 4.5 per cent per annum and rising settlement densities in low-income urban and peri-urban areas are piling pressure on the urgent need for sanitation technologies and management systems that are robust and affordable...
5 Apr 2022 NAIROBI, Kenya
New $150 Million USD Water Infrastructure Investment For Kenya Towns
Regional investment in distribution network and sewerage system will alleviate supply issues, produce biogas, and assist in power production. An estimated 350,000 people to benefit.
23 Mar 2022 NAIROBI, Kenya
$30 Billion USD For Africa Water Investment Programme (AIP)
The new investment project will focus on the development of water infrastructure critically needed to address Africa’s growing socio-economic needs and meet Africa's goal to achieve water security for all by 2025.
8 Mar 2022 NAIROBI, Kenya
United Nations Environmental Assembly (UNEA) Targets Plastic Pollution
A global movement to control plastic pollution has emerged over the past decade to curb the exponential growth in the use of plastics and the extreme environmental hazard created by inappropriate disposal. Objective is to draft a Treaty that can be approved in 2024.
24 Feb 2022 NAIROBI, Kenya
Fuel Blockade Halts Humanitarian Efforts In Tigray
The blockage of fuel deliveries by the Government of Ethiopia has severely curtailed humanitarian efforts in Tigray; numbers of affected people difficult to determine.
10 Nov 2021 NAIROBI, Kenya
Solar Desal For Rural Kenya
Finnish company's technology to address brackish coastal water in Kitui County
18 Mar 2021 NAIROBI, Kenya
COP26: African Leaders Urged To Unite Over Climate Change
Investment in analysis and warning capacities, and a common position over climate change security challenges.
9 Feb 2021 NAIROBI, Kenya
Sanitation and Wastewater Atlas of Africa Profiles, Tracks WASH Services Provision
A comprehensive "atlas" profiling and mapping the state and trends in wastewater management and sanitation delivery across every African nation promises to provide policymakers with the information they need to track progress in an area vital to human health, economies and the environment.Produced jointly by the African Development Bank (AfDB), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and non-profit environmental communications centre GRID-Arendal, the 284-page "Sanitation and Wastewater Atlas of Africa" incorporates maps, graphics and country profiles with analyses of their water resources and provision of basic services...
21 Jan 2021 NAIROBI, Kenya
More Nature-based Solutions Needed To Accelerate Adaptation To Water-related Climate Change Impacts
The United Nations Envrionment Programme (UNEP) has called on the international community to step up its work in nature-based solutions (NbS) to facilitate adaptation to climate change and water hazards in developing countries.The UNEP Adaptation Gap Report 2020 acknowledges that NbS are increasingly recognised as particularly useful in the face of water-based climate hazards such as coastal and inland flooding and erosion as well as drought...