Terms searched: Vaal River
Results: 3
5 Mar 2022 JOHANNESBURG, South Africa
South Africa To Resurrect Public Reporting Of Water And Sanitation
The resurrection of the certification programmes for water and wastewater form part of Operation Vulindlela, a coordinated programme within president Ramaphosa’s government to reverse the decline in public services that took place during the presidency of Jacob Zuma.
12 Mar 2021 JOHANNESBURG, South Africa
South Africa: Municipal Failures Led To Human Rights Violations
A report by the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) on extensive, multiyear wastewater and sewage pollution of the Vaal River system identifies multiple serious failures by Emfuleni Municipality.
Marooned Donkey Rescued!
A malnourished donkey that went missing for a month has been reunited with its owners after being rescued by the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) from an island on the Vaal Dam. NSRI station commander Jake Manten said a rescue craft was dispatched to investigate. “The donkey reportedly went onto the island about four weeks ago when water levels were low but was unable to get back to mainland when water levels rose,” said Manten.