Terms searched: Uzbekistan
Results: 3
23 Jan 2024
Uzbekistan Accedes to the Protocol on Water and Health
Uzbekistan deposited the instrument of accession to the UNECE-WHO/Europe Protocol on Water and Health on the 2nd of January, becoming the 29th national party to the Protocol as well as the first country in Central Asia to join this treaty. The Protocol is the first international agreement of its kind adopted specifically to attain universal access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation for everyone, against a background in which water management places emphasis on the effective protection of water that is used as a source of drinking water...
6 Sep 2021 Almaty, Kazakhstan
Multiple Causes Of Central Asia Water Stress
The water resources available to the 5 republics of Central Asia are below the stress threshold of 1,700 m3 per person per year and risk falling further towards scarcity by 2050 if the nations do not undertake substantial investment in water infrastructure and management, as well as engage in transboundary water management and cooperation.
4 May 2021 BISKEK, Kyrgyzstan
Deadly Water-related Skirmishes At Kyrgyz / Tajik Border
Disputes over water pumping station surveillance equipment quickly escalated into armed skirmish; over 50 dead and 150 injured on 28 April. 1 May Ceasefire. Tensions continue.