Terms searched: Innovation
Results: 6
28 Aug 2023
Activating the Innovation Component of the SDG 6 Global Acceleration Framework
During a session at World Water Week in Stockholm convened by UN-Water and the Global Water Partnership (GWP), participants were challenged to adopt innovative approaches towards data, finance, governance and capacity development. These topics had previously been identified as the main driving factors within the SDG 6 Global Acceleration Framework launched in 2020, when concern was already raised about the pace of SDG 6 implementation...
24 Feb 2022 DUBAI, United Arab Emirates
Trilateral Statement Urges Intergovernmental Action
Statement calls for a nexus approach that optimizes resource use, encourages governments to create practical and innovative solutions to water, food, and energy challenges
1 Nov 2021 GLASGOW, United Kingdom
Scotland Opens Hydro Nation Virtual Pavilion At COP26
Observe the importance of responsible stewardship of water resources in Scotland! The host nation's virtual water pavilion at COP26 puts more context around Scotland's Hydro Nation strategy. This progressive strategy advances an innovative water sector that supports a flourishing low-carbon economy, promotes vibrant communities and the environment, and plays a crucial role in international development support.
7 Jul 2021 New York, United States
Water Front And Centre At UNICEF Annual Session
Agency Director Henrietta Fore highlights work done to supply 106 million with WASH services across 153 countries during pandemic response. Stresses importance of innovation in bid to meet SDGs and draws attention to continued gender inequalities associated with water.
26 May 2021 Brussels, Belgium
ZERO BRINE: Extracting Value From Europe's Industrial Wastewater
Four-year $12.2 Million USD Innovation Action project aims to "close the loop" on saline wastewater by proving that extracting minerals from brine can eliminate disposal, slash pollution and transform waste into value in water-intensive industries.
8 Feb 2021 WAGENIGEN, Netherlands
Ramsar Convention “Has Not Been Able To Keep Up With Growing (Wetlands) Threats"
From wetland rejuvenation along the Ganga to beach-cleaning in Senegal, the 50th World Wetlands Day saw several initiatives launched in recognition of the value to nature and humankind of the globe’s wetlands. In a 29 January statement released to mark the occasion, Wetlands International, the body that coordinates and manages the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, laments that, despite significant achievements, the convention “has not been able to keep up with the growing threats and challenges that face wetlands...