Terms searched: World Water Council
Results: 3
31 Oct 2022
Interview: Karishma Asoodani, Youth Delegate for Asia, World Water Council
The Water Diplomat caught up with Karishma Asoodani, Youth Delegate for Asia at the World Water Council, in the margins of Cairo Water Week, to look at youth issues in the run up to the UN Water Conference in New York in March 2023. Tobias Schmitz: please tell us what you do currently Karishma Asoodani: So my name is Karishma, I am a Youth Delegate for the World Water Council for Asia, I joined them in 2018, and because of the pandemic my mandate kind of extended until this December: I will finish my term as a youth delegate with them in December and I am also a young representative in the Water Youth Network, in which I have an interest in youth communications and mobilisation, but I also have an interest in water finance: I am a financial journalist in India with six years of experience...
7 Jun 2022 DAKAR, Senegal
9th World Water Forum Synthesis Report Approved
The government of Senegal, the World Water Council, and the Executive Committee of the Forum have approved the synthesis report of the 9th World Water Forum. “A Blue Deal on water security and sanitation for peace and development”, summarises the results of a new form of integrated and results-oriented dialogue.
6 Mar 2021 WASHINGTON DC, United States
US Report: Water As A Specific Driver Of Insecurity
A major report calls for international water security issues to be elevated within US foreign policy and national security activities as part of a wider case for rebooting US national security architecture and doctrine in response to unravelling ecological and natural security. Published 9 February by the Converging Risks Lab of the Council on Strategic Risks and funded in part by the Natural Security Campaign, the report entitled “The Security Threat That Binds Us: The Unraveling of Ecological and Natural Security and What the United States Can Do About It” focuses on the security implications of large-scale environmental destabilisation and offers recommendations for action on the part of the executive and legislative parts of the United States Government...