Terms searched: Niger
Results: 7
30 Nov 2023
Micro Irrigation in Niger:
In a publication in World Water Policy, researchers Issaka Osman and Gaoh Aboubacar evaluate the current state of development of micro irrigation, an important technology for food security and climate resilience in the Sahelian country Niger. Irrigation is seen as the best way to increase food production and reduce the vulnerability of the country to climate change in Niger following the food crises in the country in 2005 and 2010...
3 Apr 2023
Restoring mangrove forests in the Niger Delta
I – Martha Agbani - grew up in the Niger Delta in Nigeria as a member of the indigenous farming and fishing community of Yaataah. For decades, our families lived in constant contact with the waterways. My grandmothers relied on them to collect our food and to make pottery to sustain our family. Unfortunately, things have changed...
20 Mar 2023
Niger confirms intention to Accede to Helsinki Convention
On the 2nd of March, the government of Niger confirmed its intention to acceded to the United Nations Convention on the Protection and use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes – otherwise known as the Helsinki Convention. This announcement follows a stakeholder workshop jointly hosted by the Ministry of Hydraulics and Sanitation of Niger and the Secretariat of the Convention...
5 Dec 2021 NIAMEY, Niger
World Bank Support For Niger Water Services
Project will affect about 3 million people, is designed to strengthen management of water resources: increase access to services and improve resilience to climate-induced water variability.
4 Mar 2021 LONDON, United Kingdom
Nigerian Communities Can Sue Shell In UK Courts Over Decades Of Pollution
Two communities on the Niger Delta have won the right to sue Royal Dutch Shell (RDS) in English courts over decades of oil pollution that has damaged rivers, coastal areas and farmland as well as health, The UK Supreme Court overruled a previous Appeal Court finding that there was no real issue to be tried...
9 Feb 2021 GENEVA, Switzerland
Mali Peace Agreements Aim To Reduce Community Violence Over Land, Water Access
Three peace agreements were signed in Mali during January in a bid to end violence among communites that has plagued the circle of Koro in the centre of the country.The terms of the agreements were brokered by the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD), a Swiss-based private diplomacy organisation, include commitments to peace by “pardoning past actions and disseminating messages of peace and cohesion” and “facilitating the use of natural resources and land by all communities”...
21 Jan 2021 PARIS, France
Multi-Billion USD Funding Announced for Sahel Great Green Wall Project
In a January announcement at the the "One Planet Summit" for biodiversity, President of France Emmanuel Macron committed to a $14 Billion USD grant to scale up work on the Great Green Wall (GGW) initiative.The GGW, which was established in 2007, is Africa’s flagship initiative to tackle climate change, desertification and land degradation across the Sahel region - which covers the land surrounding the Sahara Desert in Africa...