Terms searched: Indus River
Results: 8
6 Mar 2024
Initiative to restore part of Indus River Basin named as UN World Restoration Flagship
An initiative to restore more than 30 per cent of Pakistan’s Indus River Basin by 2030 has been named one of seven UN World Restoration Flagships. Announced ahead of the 6th session of the United Nations Environmental Assembly in Nairobi between the 26th of February and the 1st of March, the World Restoration Flagship awards are part of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration...
31 May 2022 KARACHI, Pakistan
India-Pakistan Talks Over Water Management On Hold
India is withholding information from Pakistan on the planned hydro project on the Chenab River in violation of the provisions of the Indus River Treaty. Talks have stalled while heatwave is devastating agriculture outputs downstream.
18 Apr 2022 ISLAMABAD, Pakistan
Pakistan: Significant Water Shortages Reported
Officials in Pakistan cite low levels of rain and snow throughout winter as cause for severe water shortages in Punjab and Sindh provinces. Civil demonstrations continue.
30 Mar 2022 ISLAMABAD, Pakistan
India, Pakistan Exchange Views At Indus Commission Meeting
Infrastructure development, data sharing data and release of (un)treated wastewater among topics discussed between India and Pakistan.
11 Feb 2022 CHANDIGARH, Pakistan
Punjab and Sindh Provinces Disagree Over Water Flows
Inter-provincial dispute over Indus River flow referred to Indus River System Authority. Federal inspectors barred from Guddu barrage site.
5 May 2021 Islamabad, Pakistan
China, Pakistan Sign Kohala Hydropower Agreements
The investment of $2.4 Biillion USD in the 1124 MW Kohala will be China's largest in Pakistan and is the second of six planned hydroelectric projects on the Jhelum river.
30 Apr 2021 SANTA BARBARA, California
COVID-19 Lockdowns Have Slowed Snowmelt In Indus River Basin
Satellite imagery has revealed a 30 Percent reduction in snow pollution resulting from particulate matter, leading to the cleanest snow in 20 years. The findings could have far-reaching implications for the timing of water flow to billions of people, and help mitigate global warming.
7 Apr 2021 NEW DELHI, India
“Cordial” Meeting of India-Pakistan Permanent Indus Commission
India maintains its position that construction activities on the Chenab River are treaty-compliant. Pakistan requests information share re planned projects.