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26 Jun 2024
Groundwater quality assessment guidelines published
On Monday June 3, 2024, Friends of Groundwater, a group working within the World Water Quality Alliance announced the publication of new guidelines for groundwater water quality assessment. A first version had been published in 2022, subsequently supplemented and improved, incorporating practical experience in Uganda, Chile, Sweden and South Korea...
26 Jun 2024
Chatham House explores more sustainable North-South trade in water use
At a time when two billion people globally are experiencing varying degrees of water stress as a result of climate change, but also of the increasing anthropogenic pressures on water resources for food production, clothing and domestic use, researchers at the London based Chatham House think tank have examined the issue of trade related water risks, which they argue is exacerbating water insecurity and deepening inequalities between countries in the global North and countries in the global South...
26 Jun 2024
Zimbabwe holds historic national workshop for the accession to UN water conventions
A national workshop for the accession to global water conventions was held on the 17th and 18th of June 2024 at Rainbow Towers Conference Centre in Zimbabwe as the country inches closer to complete the accession process. These global water conventions are: the 1992 Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (the Water Convention) and the 1997 Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses (the 1997 Watercourses Convention)...
19 Jun 2024
Watering the Clean Energy Transition:
On the 3rd of June, during the Bonn Climate Change Conference 2024 , the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) hosted an event on ‘watering the clean energy transition’. This event explored the relationships between water and energy in the context of the transition to clean sources of energy...
13 Jun 2024
Wildfire season in Pantanal wetland on track for record ecosystem damage
By the 9th of June, the number of fires burning in the Pantanal wetland are almost an order of magnitude larger (935% higher) than for the same period last year. Between the 1st of January and the 9th of June this year, 3,400 km² has burned, which is the highest on record for the period. The peak period for such wildfires is still far off, as they mostly occur in August and September, but the wetlands are dry due to the lack of rain and vulnerable to the outbreak of fire...
6 Jun 2024
The 10th World Water Forum's (Bali) Ministerial Declaration: An Analysis
The 10th World Water Forum was held in Bali, Indonesia, from 20 to 24 May 2024, in the presence of some 20,000 participants[1] from 160 countries, 107 international organizations, several ministerial delegations and some heads of state. At this occasion, the States issued a Ministerial Declaration on 21 May 2024[2]...
6 Jun 2024
South Sudan Signs Global Compact on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
On the 3rd of June, The President of South Sudan, H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit, signed the country’s Heads of State Initiative Compact on Water and Sanitation to ensure universal access to water and sanitation in the country. According to UNICEF. the signing of the Compact on Water and Sanitation marks a significant step forward in improving the water and sanitation situation in South Sudan which faces many climate-related, social and economic challenges...
6 Jun 2024
Improving agricultural water use efficiency to increase climate resilience in Jordan
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is supporting a project in Jordan aimed at increasing agricultural water use efficiency as a means to increase climate resilience in vulnerable regions of the country. The U.S. $ 33.2 million project financed by the GCF – for which an additional U.S. $ 8 million has been provided by the government of Jordan - aims to reduce the demand for scarce groundwater among rural farming communities in four governorates in the Dead Sea Valley...
6 Jun 2024
Non-Sewered Sanitation:
A new paper published in May in the journal Nature by EAWAG scientist Dr Linda Strande unpacks a promising area of research into non-sewered sanitation, underlining the urgent need to provide scientific evidence in an area which has long suffered relative neglect in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector...
4 Jun 2024
Launch of Global Alliance to Spare Water from Armed Conflict
In his 2023 annual report on the protection of civilians in armed conflict, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres notes that during the year in review, « Conflict ... […] .. triggered and aggravated water scarcity. The destruction, damage and disruption – sometimes deliberate – of water services, combined with the impact of climate change and years of disrepair, left millions without safe water, causing contamination, the outbreak of deadly infectious diseases and the risk of malnutrition » On May 23, 2024, at UN headquarters in New York, as part of the week dedicated to the topic of protection of civilians in armed conflict (an event which has been organised for the past 25 years), a round table was held on the topic of sparing water from armed conflict for the enhanced protection of civilians...
31 May 2024
Benin to ratify treaty for joint management of the Mono River Basin
The government of Benin has announced its intention to ratify the treaty for the joint management of the Mono River bssin shared by Togo and Benin. The Mono River rises north east of Sokodé in Togo and flows through eastern Togo for some 400 km in a southerly direction, draining a basin of some 20,000 km² and whose waters impact on teh livelihoods of some 3 million people...
30 May 2024
Scenarios for the Deltas of Tomorrow:
On the 24th of April, Deltares, a water policy research institute based on the Netherlands, presented its latest study on possible scenarios for the water management and spatial planning in the Netherlands in the coming decades. The study, published every 6 years and based on data and insights from the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), Wageningen University & Research and Deltares, was officially presented to the Minister for Infrastructure and Water Management, Mark Harbers...