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Results: 914
3 Sep 2024
Slovenia Joins WASH Roadmap and signs the Call to Action
Under the banner “Bridging Borders: water for a peaceful and sustainable future”, the 2024 edition of the World Water Week (25 to 29 August) was centred on water cooperation and security in its broadest sense. The project of building a peaceful and sustainable future implies a spectrum of dedicated water diplomacy efforts, it requires international cooperation, and it rests on a recognition of the regional and global interconnectedness of communities and nations through water...
3 Sep 2024
Oxfam releases report on weaponisation of water in Gaza
On the 18th of July, Oxfam published a new report on the topic of water in situations of armed conflict, entitled “Water War Crimes: How Israel has weaponised water in its military campaign in Gaza”. The report aims to present a detailed overview of the use of water as a weapon in the conflict in Gaza, highlighting violations of international law while supporting the call for an independent investigation into potential violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law by the Government of Israel and Palestinian armed groups...
28 Aug 2024
Ensuring climate resilient water supplies in the Comoros Islands
The Green Climate Fund is contributing U.S. $ 41.9 million towards a project in the Comoros Islands which is designed to increase the climate resilience of water supply for drinking water and irrigation purposes in the areas most exposed to climate risks. The project is being co-funded by UNDP (with a contribution of U...
26 Aug 2024
Supporting Effective Transboundary Governance: A Multilevel Approach
In a publication launched during the 2024 World Water Week, IUCN has compiled the achievements and lessons learned during 15 years of implementation of its Building River Dialogue and Governance (BRIDGE) transboundary water governance programme. BRIDGE was conceived in 2011 to help secure sustainable management of water resources for poverty reduction, nature conservation, economic growth and international cooperation by means of effective forms of transboundary cooperation...
23 Aug 2024
Ensuring climate resilient water supplies in the Comoros Islands
The Green Climate Fund is contributing U.S. $ 41.9 million towards a project in the Comoros Islands which is designed to increase the climate resilience of water supply for drinking water and irrigation purposes in the areas most exposed to climate risks. The project is being co-funded by UNDP (with a contribution of U...
22 Aug 2024
Pacific Institute Update: 2023 was a record year for violence over water resources across the globe
Research into water conflicts conducted by the Pacific Institute in Oakland, California, U.S.A. has demonstrated a sharp rise in conflicts during 2023 in comparison with 2022, continuing a steep growth trend of such incidents over the past decade. These events include attacks on water systems, unrest and disputes over the control of and access to water, and the use of water as a weapon of war...
22 Aug 2024
Lesotho advances with sanitation coverage but faces wastewater management challenges
Access to sanitation in Lesotho has improved markedly over the past decade, while there have also been recent challenges in ensuring effective collection and treatment of wastewater. While access to sanitation has increased by some 48% during the past decade, an infrastructure update provided by the Lesotho Electricity and Water Authority (LEWA) reports remaining issues with wastewater collection and treatment...
21 Aug 2024
UN System Wide Strategy on Water and Sanitation Launched
Following the various commitments made at the 2023 UN Water Conference, stakeholders gathered at the UN High-Level Political Forum in New York on July 16, 2024 at the special “SDG 6 and Water Agenda” event to launch the first-ever UN System Wide Strategy (SWS) on water and sanitation. The strategy is intended to provide a comprehensive approach for United Nations entities with a mandate which includes themes related to water and sanitation to work collaboratively – not as a sector in a ‘silo’, but holistically to address the interrelated cross-sectoral aspects of water and sanitation...
21 Aug 2024
1st Limpopo Joint Basin Survey — A Milestone in Transboundary Water Cooperation
On the 6th of August, the Limpopo Watercourse Commission (LIMCOM) announced the commencement of the 1st Joint Basin Survey (JBS) for the Limpopo River Basin (LRB). The survey is expected to generate data in support of decision making for the joint management of the Limpopo Basin, which is shared by Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa, and Zimbabwe, in particular on topics such as water quality, river health and ecological flow requirements...
20 Aug 2024
The Strengths and Weaknesses of Water Governance for Water Security in Finland
In a recent publication in the International Journal of Water Resources Development, researchers have presented the results of their studies into the current water governance system in Finland. While Finland has featured regularly at the top of international water and governance rankings, the country nevertheless faces growing water security challenges...
6 Aug 2024
We need global action on Water Governance to Tackle the SDGs - starting this September.
Five hundred days have passed since the historic UN 2023 Water Conference. While both the progress on big promises and ambition shown at that conference have been slow, we are finally on the brink of a significant milestone: the imminent appointment of a UN Special Water Envoy by the UN Secretary-General...
30 Jul 2024
India’s heatwave and stress on water supplies
India is currently facing a severe environmental crisis as extreme heatwaves and water scarcity threaten the well-being of millions. This summer, India recorded an all-time high temperature of over 52.9°C in Delhi and similar record temperatures in Haryana, and Rajasthan, underscoring the intensity of the heatwaves gripping the nation, and the reported death toll has now reached over 143...