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Results: 914
3 Oct 2024
New research from the Earth Commission highlights planetary and human risks, showing pathways to a safe and just future
New research in the Lancet Planetary Health, co-authored by 60 leading natural and social scientists from the Earth Commission, published on the 11th of September, quantifies a corridor with safe and just planetary boundaries as the ceiling (published earlier in Nature) as well as the impacts of meeting minimum needs using the same units as the boundaries...
2 Oct 2024
UN General Assembly adopts resolution on modalities of 2026 Water Conference
On the 6th of September, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) approved – without a vote - resolution A/78/L110 on the modalities of the 2026 United Nations Water Conference. In terms of the resolution, the aim of the conference is to support the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 6...
26 Sep 2024
10-year anniversary of the Azraq refugee camp in Jordan:
This year, the Azraq refugee camp in Jordan has marked its tenth anniversary, a moment worthy of reflection on the progress and remaining challenges in providing water, sanitation and hygiene services for its resident population. The Azraq refugee camp extends over 14 km² and is located 20 km west of the town of Azraq, Jordan, and was established in 2014 for refugees of the civil war in Syria...
19 Sep 2024
United Nations Announces appointment of Special Envoy on Water
On the 13th of September, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres announced the appointment of H.E. Retno L.P. Marsudi of the Republic of Indonesia as his Special Envoy on Water. The appointment of the Special Envoy has been highly anticipated and is seen as providing the sector with an ambassador who can serve as a champion and high-level advocate on water and sanitation issues...
18 Sep 2024
Poland swings from historic drought to flood relief in September
Poland has experienced both extremes of the hydrological spectrum in the month of September, swinging between drought in early September to a flood emergency less than two weeks later. Poland’s longest river, the Vistula, dropped to record low levels on the 9th of September due to drought conditions in the country...
11 Sep 2024
A Hole in Our Bucket? Water Integrity Network Launches 3rd Global Integrity Outlook
2024 report presents ways to ensure fair and transparent financing to achieve SDG 6 targets On the 11th of September 2024, the Water Integrity Network launched its third Water Integrity Global Outlook (WIGO), which focuses on the integrity of finance in the water and sanitation sector. Against the background of a general shortfall in investments in the sector and an estimate by the World Bank that countries need to increase their current spending by around USD 140 billion annually to achieve SDG targets, the report points out that corruption, mismanagement and other integrity failures -taken together - result in the effective loss of up to 26% of money invested in the sector...
6 Sep 2024
WaterWorX: The role of Water Operator Partnerships in leveraging finance for SDG 6 objectives
The Twelfth Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF) convened by UN Habitat will be held in Cairo, Egypt from 4-8 November 2024. The return of the WUF to the African continent after 20 years coincides with the 20-year existence of VEI (previously known as Vitens Evides International), which facilitates partnerships between water utilities worldwide...
6 Sep 2024
Revolving Fund Transforms Rural Water Supply in Yobe State Nigeria
In rural Nigeria, Action Against Hunger (ACF Nigeria), in partnership with the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency (RUWASSA) has pioneered a Revolving Fund which is transforming the water supply landscape in several Local Government Areas (LGAs) within Yobe State. This model has not only provided a sustainable financial support to water utilities, but has also empowered communities grappling with insecurity and malnutrition in a context of severe water scarcity essentially due to climate change...
6 Sep 2024
Shared Waters Lab Partnership Launches TFDD Explorer tool
On August 27 at Stockholm World Water Week, the Shared Waters Lab Partnership – a collaboration between Oregon State University, the Fletcher School at Tufts University, and IHE-Delft-Institute for Water Education - launched the Transboundary Freshwater Diplomacy Database (TFDD) Explorer. The TFDD Explorer is a new tool that enables users to explore physical and institutional data related to the world’s transboundary river basins and access qualitative and tabular data on treaties (including full-text downloads of transboundary agreements), River Basin Organisations, and events related to both conflict over and cooperation on shared water resources...
5 Sep 2024
UN Water publishes new SDG 6 country acceleration studies : the case of Cambodia
In the context of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres' Decade of Action to accelerate progress towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, a SDG 6 Global Acceleration Framework was launched in 2022. In its 2021 SDG 6 Progress Report, UN-Water had noted that the world would need to increase its investments by a factor of 4 if it were to achieve all the targets of SDG 6...
5 Sep 2024
Study into groundwater levels in southwestern Europe demonstrates surprising resilience
A study into multi-decadal groundwater observations published in the journal Nature in July 2024 by an international team of researchers has yielded results that show surprisingly stable groundwater levels in southwestern Europe, in spite of persistent drought conditions over the past few years. Recently, the effects of climate change and rising human water demand have led to water scarcity in southwestern Europe: in 2022, for instance, 44% of the territory of the EU and the U...
5 Sep 2024
1st Limpopo Joint Basin Survey marks acceleration in Transboundary Water Cooperation
On the 6th of August, the Limpopo Watercourse Commission (LIMCOM) announced the commencement of the 1st Joint Basin Survey (JBS) for the Limpopo River Basin (LRB). The survey is expected to generate data in support of decision making for the joint management of the Limpopo Basin, which is shared by four countries namely Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa, and Zimbabwe, in particular on topics such as water quality, river health and ecological flow requirements...