Danish Companies to Tackle Water Challenges: UN Water’s SDG6 Report Sparks Action Through Africa Strategy
Op Ed by By Mads Helleberg Dorff, Director: Danish Industry Head of DI Danish Water Industries
5 Nov 2024 by The Water Diplomat

The profile of water security is currently rising fast on the international political arena, but are actions and implementations following suit? UN-Water has released a midterm evaluation of the progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6) on water and sanitation, highlighting how far behind we currently “ensuring access to water and sanitation for all" by 2030. Specifically, the report underlines that billions of people worldwide still lack access to drinking water and sanitation services. In addition, currently, 10% of the world's population lives under conditions of high or critical water stress. If water quality and monitoring of water bodies are not improved by 2030, we risk undermining the health and livelihoods of 4.8 billion people. An inevitable consequence of this is that many regions around the world will face water scarcity, with conflicts and climate change exacerbating the issue.
Water as an international security issue is therefore growing exponentially in its salience, which is why we see that more international events and decision-making bodies are beginning to prioritize the international water agenda. The UN Water Conference in 2026, the United Nations Environmental Assembly UNEA and the upcoming COPs on desertification and climate change testify to the importance of water on the international stage as well as the desire to accelerate the implementation of SDG6. Such events aim to set the global environmental agenda, provide overarching policy guidance, and define policy responses to address emerging environmental challenges. These kinds of engagements have the potential to provide direction for UNEP and create future partnerships with both the public and private sector.
Furthermore, there are more high-level prioritisations of the water agenda, as a Special Envoy on Water has been appointed by the UN Secretary-General with the aim of increasing international cooperation. The Special Envoy on Water is to support the achievement of all water-related goals and targets, such as SDG6, and is expected to take a global lead at the UN Water Conference 2026. At the European level, the EU Commission has already taken leadership on water through several directives, a water awareness campaign and will take it even further with an upcoming ‘Water Resilience Strategy’ that includes a global focus. In her role as President of the European Commission, Ms. Ursula von der Leyen has furthermore dedicated the incoming Commissioner for Environment to be responsible for water resilience as an essential factor in securing the EU's competitiveness, environment, and security.
In relation to high profile decision-making regarding water, Denmark has gained a larger international agenda-setting role by securing a seat on the Security Council, where one of the three key Danish priorities is to address the impact of climate change on peace and security. Additionally, Denmark will hold the EU Presidency in the second half of 2025. Danish companies have a variety of sustainable solutions to offer, which is why Denmark holds an international leadership position in the water sector. These solutions are intended to ensure better drinking water supplies, climate adaptation, and clean drinking water. With the combination of Denmark's upcoming agenda-setting role and its strong position in the water sector the hope and encouragement are that the water agenda is elevated in these future collaborations. Considering this window of opportunity, it is evident that Denmark should assume a leadership role in elevating Danish water companies’ solutions to a high level, as water issues could not be more urgent and relevant than they are now.
From a Danish perspective, however, there are political initiatives highlighting water as an international security issue that we must prioritise, which can be seen as a milestone in the Danish water agenda. In August 2024, the Danish government launched its Africa Strategy
with the intention of strengthening Danish engagement with African countries. Countries in the Global South, such as African Nations, are severely impacted by existing and forthcoming water crises. It is crucial that European and African countries work together to address common challenges, where European nations must be pioneering countries in giving the water agenda the appropriate attention it deserves. The Africa strategy will make it easier for Danish companies to provide solutions for the upcoming crises highlighted by UN-Water. Specifically, more than 1 billion DKK (€ 130 million) has been allocated for new water initiatives in Africa.
It is an important strategy from the Danish government that highlights and creates momentum for addressing international water issues and solutions in the name of climate adaptation. Furthermore, this is a prime example of the essential collaboration between governments, the private sector, and civil society, which can enhance water and food security as well as international cooperation. Initiatives like The Africa Strategy are a step in the right direction, and we hope to see more initiatives like this in the future.
Seeing that action is more important than ever while water is increasingly being prioritised internationally, it is crucial that these agreements are implemented and have the intended impact if we are to meet SDG6. To achieve this, it is important to create cross-sector agreements, investments, and research that have the desired effect.
From a Danish perspective we encourage a water diplomacy that will support Denmark's geopolitical influence, including the 2025/26 UN Security Council membership and the EU presidency, as well as our export targets. A Danish water diplomacy would enhance the international capacity of the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in water issues, a focused effort in Invest in Denmark, strategic water alliances for small businesses, a "Water Envoy," and a water attaché at Denmark's EU representation. In this manner, the water sector will be highlighted and utilized to achieve our international objectives.