Terms searched: Water security
Results: 59
20 Aug 2024
The Strengths and Weaknesses of Water Governance for Water Security in Finland
In a recent publication in the International Journal of Water Resources Development, researchers have presented the results of their studies into the current water governance system in Finland. While Finland has featured regularly at the top of international water and governance rankings, the country nevertheless faces growing water security challenges...
17 May 2024
Funding a Water Secure Future
A new World Bank report released on the 6th of May presents a global overview of spending in the water sector, noting that there is a significant gap between spending needs and actual spending. According to the World Bank, this study represents the first attempt to create a 360° overview of spending in the entire water sector the sector, with the objective of understanding existing funding gaps in comparison to the goals that have been set, and to provide guidance on the ways in which these gaps can be closed...
5 Feb 2024
Realising the Green Climate Fund’s vision for water security
South Africa’s Water Reuse Programme, a U.S. $ 1.5 billion project developed in partnership with the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) and others seeks to overhaul the country’s wastewater system and reuse treated wastewater as a response to increasing demand for the resource...
8 May 2023
WFP and UNEP sign agreement to boost food and water security
On the 5th of May, the World Food Programme (WFP) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) signed an agreement designed to strengthen cooperation around various aspects touching on water and food security. The agreement was the culmination of some two years of preparatory work towards collaboration between the two UN bodies, as well as the product of a learning process between two very different organisational cultures...
6 Apr 2023
IWMI leads Transformative Future for Water Security Initiative
In the run up to the UN 2023 Water Conference, The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) coordinated a year-long dialogue across eight regions of the world focused on transformative action to strengthen water security...
10 Mar 2023
Call for action: invest in water security to reduce financial risks
Investing financial resources in nature based solutions for water is an essential means to avoid financial risk. In February, the Carbon Disclosure Project sent an open letter to governments with the message that water insecurity poses a significant financial risk to the global economy. They point to the 2022 assessment by the Stockholm Resilience Centre that the safe limits for freshwater have been transgressed, posing a threat to life support systems...
22 Feb 2023
Water Security: Issues and challenges for India
Water security in India refers to the availability of adequate and clean water resources to meet the country's growing water demand, while ensuring the sustainability of the water ecosystems. This is in line with the definition of water security provided by UN Water, which is a United Nations inter-agency coordination mechanism on all freshwater-related issues...
30 Jul 2022 LUSAKA, Zambia
“Game Changer” National Water Investment Programme Launched In Zambia
Zambia launches Water Investment Programme to enhance job creation through gender sensitive investments in water security, industrialisation and climate resilient development.
28 Jul 2022 OAKLAND CA, United States
Pacific Institute Launches Water Security Research Project
Pacific Institute's new Water and Climate Equity Strategy intends to provide tailored, evidence-based research and climate resilience strategies for communities at the forefront of water insecurity and climate change.
3 Jul 2022 THE HAGUE, Netherlands
Three Priorities For Iraq’s Water Sector
With the election of a new parliament and the formation of a new government, the researchers argue, some opportunities are being opened to develop new policies and initiatives in Iraq's water sector.
17 Jun 2022 WASHINGTON DC, United States
US Action Plan On Global Water Security
The US Action Plan on Global Water Security takes the significant step of making water security, including access to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), a major component of US foreign policy for the first time.