Terms searched: Mauritania
Results: 3
28 May 2024
Growing group of refugees in Mauritania receive WASH services
According to a UNICEF flash update published in mid-May, there are currently some 180,000 refugees present in the Hodh Ech Chargui region of eastern Mauritania, and this number is expected to reach 240,000 by the end of the year. Amid upheaval in the Sahel region, Mauritania has remained stable and continues to host a growing refugee population which has grown from 74,000 in 2016 to the present 180,000...
25 Oct 2023
Guinea rejoins Mali, Mauritania and Senegal to jointly govern the Senegal River
Guinea has announced its intention to rejoin the Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Senegal (OMVS) in October, reversing a decision taken by the government to withdraw from the OMVS in July. On the 18th of Jully the government of Guinea had announced that it would suspend its participation in the river basin organization, noting with c oncern that its strategic interests had not been sufficiently taken into account...
1 Oct 2021 GENEVA, Switzerland
Joint Agreement On Senegal – Mauritanian Aquifer Basin
A new permanent mechanism to be established for cooperative management of the aquifer system, including both a legal and an institutional framework for cooperation.