Terms searched: Jakarta
Results: 4
2 Jun 2022 JAKARTA, Indonesia
Prioritise Water And Sanitation For Health, Climate And TheEconomy
‘Building Forward Better for Recovery and Resilience’ seen as a critical opportunity to link water and sanitation with other sectors with a view to the transversal integration of water and sanitation across government policies.
7 Jan 2022 JAKARTA, Indonesia
Unusual Storms Trigger Deadly Indonesian Volcanic Activity
Experts acknowledge heavy rain caused "lava dome" collapse which consequently triggered unusually forceful volcano eruption.
17 Apr 2021 JARARTA, Indonesia
Cyclone Seroja Kills Hundreds In Indonesia
Flash floods and landslides in East Timor force mass evacuations and destroy COVID PPE storage facility.
12 Jan 2021 MADRID, Spain
Human Depletion Of Groundwater Resources Exacerbates Climate Change Impacts
Large swathes of land in densely populated parts of the world are subsiding rapidly as a result of groundwater depletion. Paired with rising sea levels caused by global warming, this could place many coastal cities at risk of severe flooding by 2040. A UNESCO-funded report published on the Policy Forum of Science Journal deploys a large-scale review of subsidence over the past century and predictions of subsidence susceptibility modelled using a combination of spatial and statistical analyses...