Terms searched: Global Water Partnership (GWP)
Results: 4
15 Jan 2022 STOCKHOLM, Sweden
Mind The Gap: Women Underrepresentd In Water Resources Management
New report from GWP concludes that, although gender has been integrated into policymaking in several countries, there is still a wide gap between policy and practice, and a long way to go before gender equality is achieved in water resources management.
21 Oct 2021 GLASGOW, United Kingdom
A Voice For Water At COP26
The Water Pavilion in the Blue Zone at COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland, aims to raise the profile of water, challenges and solutions, putting water at the very centre of climate solutions for mitigation and adaptation.
19 Oct 2021 CORVALLIS OR, United States
COP26: The Stakes For The Water Community
How far water has moved in the climate agenda, and what is different in Glasgow from past climate conferences?
We hear from John Matthews, Executive Director of the Alliance for Global Water Adaptation.
8 Jun 2021 Edinburgh, Scotland
Water Investment Is Crucial To Climate Resilience
Report from Global Water Partnership showcases successes from 10 years of its water and climate programme. Urges stakeholders to learn lessons of long-term approach and move water to the forefront of development agendas. "A leverage ratio of 1:33 for every dollar invested in GWP's water and climate programme over the past 10 years, is a testament to the transformative power of partnerships to create real impact."