Terms searched: Effects of global warming
Results: 3
4 Jun 2021 Washington D.C., United States
Satellite Data Reveals Climate Change Impacts On Water Cycle
Study uses new gravity observation method to monitor changes to global water cycle. Satellite data helps measure mass change of water from different oceans across the planet. NASA calls previous methods ineffective, says trends provide deeper understanding of possible future implications of climate change. Experts suggest "global greening" could be a factor.
19 Feb 2021 AUSTIN TX, United States
Climate Change And The Lone Star State
This Water Diplomat article has been updated 20 February.US President Joe Biden declared a major disaster 20 February in the US State of Texas, allowing more federal funds to be releasd for emergency assistance (White House Statement here).Power is returning across Texas and temperatures are set to rise but some 13 million people are still facing difficulties accessing clean water...
3 Feb 2021 WASHINGTON DC, United States
Biden’s First Steps On Road to Blue-Green Recovery
Newly-inaugurated US President Joseph Biden has wasted little time in honouring his campaign promise to prioritise climate policy and undo a previous deregulation agenda, and science-denialism ideology propagated by his predecessor.On his first day in office, President Biden demonstrated his commitment to tackling the climate crisis with several executive orders including re-joining the Paris Agreement, revoking the withdrawal of the US from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and cancelling the Keystone XL pipeline...