Terms searched: Agriculture in India
Results: 4
31 May 2022 KARACHI, Pakistan
India-Pakistan Talks Over Water Management On Hold
India is withholding information from Pakistan on the planned hydro project on the Chenab River in violation of the provisions of the Indus River Treaty. Talks have stalled while heatwave is devastating agriculture outputs downstream.
16 Apr 2021 Chennai, India
Climate Change Action Required To Prevent "Chaotic" Monsoons In India
New research predicts that Indian monsoons will become stronger and more chaotic without collective climate action from policy makers across the globe. Scientists warn that increased rainfall in the region will be detrimental to India's agricultural industry and the economy.
8 Feb 2021 NEW DELHI, India
Water Crisis Role In Standoff Between Indian Farmers And Government
While Indian farmers protest against threats to their subsistence livelihoods from three new laws impacting the way produce is priced and sold, the existing state-controlled pricing system continues to be associated with strain on the nation's water resources.Continuing protests against changes to India’s farming laws, reported as the world’s largest peaceful civic process until violence erupted this week, are gaining traction in global media...
12 Jan 2021 MADRID, Spain
Human Depletion Of Groundwater Resources Exacerbates Climate Change Impacts
Large swathes of land in densely populated parts of the world are subsiding rapidly as a result of groundwater depletion. Paired with rising sea levels caused by global warming, this could place many coastal cities at risk of severe flooding by 2040. A UNESCO-funded report published on the Policy Forum of Science Journal deploys a large-scale review of subsidence over the past century and predictions of subsidence susceptibility modelled using a combination of spatial and statistical analyses...